01:50:12 PM : SERVER starting log for 07/14/2021 01:50:12 PM : SERVER: ---------------------------------------------- 01:50:12 PM : SERVER: ERROR: EAS message decode error. 01:50:12 PM : Decoder 'L1' Event ID: 18474 01:50:12 PM : Under Decoder->Decoded Alerts: Decoding error info file is 'ERR_L1_18474_2021_07_14_13_50_12_header_errors.txt' 01:50:12 PM : Error info: Error='Invalid header decoded.' Header.1='ZCZC-EAS-RWT-022005-022033-022037-022047-022063?????' Header.2='ZCZC-EAS-RWT-022005-422033-022037-022047-022063-022077-022091-026121-222165+01pp-"2"rpxr?.??? Z??10000-0000' Header.3='ZCZC-EAS-RWT-0220???????'Byte_Errors='86' Bit_Errors='44' Error_Mask.1='ff ff ff fe fe ff ff ff ff f1 ff ff ff fb ff ff ff ff ff 79 ff ff ff ff df df ff df ff ff ff ff ff f7 ff fd df ff ff ff ff df ff fd f7 ff ee ff ff ff ff ff ' Header_Seq.1=' Z C Z C - E A S - R W T - 0 2 2 0 0 5 - 0 2 2 0 3 3 - 0 2 2 0 3 7 - 0 2 2 0 4 7 - 0 2 2 0 6 3 ? ? ? ? ? ' Dcoded_Dif.1=' ) % 12 0b 8c 8c 0c cc ' Error_Mask.2='ff 7f fd f7 fe ff ed fb f3 ff af ff ff ff ff ff fd ff f7 ff 7b d7 ff 37 df ff ff f5 ff ef ff ef cf f7 ff ef ff ff ff fe ff ff ff f7 cf cf fd f7 ef 7f de ff b8 df fb f6 ef bf ff ff ff ff ff df fb 7f ff ff ff fd bf ef ff eb cf fd ff eb e5 ef f7 ff ff 37 6f 6f df df ff bf ff ff fd ff ff ff ff be ef 7f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ' Header_Seq.2=' Z C Z C - E A S - R W T - 0 2 2 0 0 5 - 4 2 2 0 3 3 - 0 2 2 0 3 7 - 0 2 2 0 4 7 - 0 2 2 0 6 3 - 0 2 2 0 7 7 - 0 2 2 0 9 1 - 0 2 6 1 2 1 - 2 2 2 1 6 5 + 0 1 p p - " 2 " r p x r ? . ? ? ? Z ? ? 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 ' Dcoded_Dif.2=' X 13 ' 12 & ! ` Z b r aa b h Z ae 8c 9a 8c @ @ @ @ ee ff 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ' Error_Mask.3='ef ff ff ff f3 ff ff fd ff bb 7f f7 ff ff ff ff f7 fe f7 bf bf 7f fa ff ' Header_Seq.3=' Z C Z C - E A S - R W T - 0 2 2 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' Dcoded_Dif.3=' % 98 92 V 98 0c 0c cc ' 01:50:12 PM : Under Decoder->Decoded Alerts: Errored audio file is 'ERR_L1_18474_2021_07_14_13_50_12_header.wav' 01:50:19 PM : SERVER: Email Alert Event Decode error report ''DASDEC-1' EAS decode error notification on 'Wed Jul 14 13:50:12 2021'' sent to 'sysmon@gmail.com'