12:00:05 AM : SERVER starting log for 07/03/2016 12:00:05 AM : SERVER: Scheduled Random Weekly Test for Thu Jul 7 19:53:59 2016 (a time between 0 hrs Midnight to 0:00 and 0:00 to 12 Midnight) 12:00:05 AM : SERVER: No preset header. Encoding '/opt/dasdec/dasdec/originated_events/Orig_263_2016_07_07_19_53_59_header.wav' at 44100 samples/sec 12:00:05 AM : SERVER: -----ORIGINATED alert ID 263 scheduled for : 'Thu Jul 7 19:53:00 2016'----- 12:00:05 AM : SERVER: Moved 2 Decoded alerts older than Sat Jul 4 00:00:05 2015 to pending deletion folder. 12:00:05 AM : SERVER: Moved 2 Forwarded alerts older than Sat Jul 4 00:00:05 2015 to pending deletion folder. 12:00:05 AM : SERVER: Moved 4 alerts to Trash folder and Cleaned data/archived headers for 0 alerts. 03:29:44 PM : SERVER: ---------------------------------------------- 03:29:44 PM : SERVER: ERROR: EAS message decode error. 03:29:44 PM : Decoder 'L2' Event ID: 15214 03:29:44 PM : Under Decoder->Decoded Alerts: Decoding error info file is 'ERR_L2_15214_2016_07_03_15_29_44_header_errors.txt' 03:29:44 PM : Error info: Byte_Errors='45' Bit_Errors='57' Error_Mask.1='ff df ff ff ff ff ff ff ef ff ef fe ff ff fe bf ff fd bf ff ' Header_Seq.1=' Z C Z C - W X R - S ] W - 0 7 w 5 3 p + ' Dcoded_Dif.1=' = 0 ' Error_Mask.2='ef ff ff ff ff ff ff df fe ff fd 7f f7 ff f7 ff ff fb 7f ef df ff ff ff fd fb df ff ff ff ff ff 7f f9 ff ff ff ff fb ff ff ff ' Header_Seq.2=' Z C Z C - W X R - S M W - 0 7 7 5 3 0 + 0 1 0 0 - 1 8 5 2 0 2 9 - K N E W / N W S - ' Error_Mask.3='ff ff fb ff ff fb ff fb 7f ff 7b ff ff ff bf bf ff ff fe bd ff bf 7f ff ff 1d f8 ff ff ff fb ff fd ff ff ed 2f ff cf ff bf fd ' Header_Seq.3=' Z C Z C - W X R - S M W - 0 7 7 5 3 1 + 0 1 0 0 - 1 8 5 2 0 6 9 - K N E W / N W S - ' Dcoded_Dif.3=' ad q d7 ' 03:29:44 PM : Under Decoder->Decoded Alerts: Errored audio file is 'ERR_L2_15214_2016_07_03_15_29_44_header.wav' 03:29:50 PM : SERVER: Email Alert Event Decode error report ''DASDEC-1' EAS decode error notification on 'Sun Jul 3 15:29:44 2016'' sent to 'sysmon@gmail.com' 03:53:10 PM : SERVER: -------Decoded EAS Alert--------- Alert ID = 15216 Alert type = SMW Channel ID = Left 2(L2) EAS Header='ZCZC-WXR-SMW-077530+0045-1852051-KNEW/NWS-' THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HAS ISSUED A SPECIAL MARINE WARNING FOR THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES/AREAS: Lake Pontchartrain/Lake Maurepas, Gulf of Mexico; AT 3:51 PM ON JUL 3, 2016 EFFECTIVE UNTIL 4:36 PM. MESSAGE FROM KNEW/NWS. 03:53:10 PM : SERVER: Decoded alert 'SMW' id '15216' will not auto-forward. Forward mode=Auto. 04:36:00 PM : SERVER: -------DECODED EAS Alert Expired--------- Alert ID = 15216 Alert type = SMW Channel ID = Left 2(L2) EAS Header='ZCZC-WXR-SMW-077530+0045-1852051-KNEW/NWS-'